Thursday, August 26, 2010

CherriesWalks goes for a 4* flight!

What an exceptional day! Off in a helicopter for just under an hour to view the Swiss Alps - oh and all the rest of them too as there was not a cloud in the sky! Wowwwy!
Took off from Sion with Jean-Daniel (Heli Alps). He took us into the valley of Herens and grazed the arrête of the Veisivi before taking us up the Glacier du Mont Miné and above the tops of the Tête Blanche, Dent d'Hérens, and the Matterhorn which had 2 people on the top (as well as 80 other avid climbers coming up the ridge!!) Then we did a few 360s to show off and plunged into the seracs of the Glacier de Moiry (literally!) The lac de Moiry was stunning. And poof! Back at home base! AMAZING!

Now this was the most unusual view of the Matterhorn for me! Can anyone guess which glacier this is?

Finished it all off with a 4* picnic in the delightful forest above the Bisse in Savièse. Lots of mushrooms for the trolls to hide in here. Vive les mariés!