Fall is just sooooo beautiful! We hiked up in the forest poking what in French are called 'pet de loup' mushrooms to watch the spores float in the sun. The fun part of this hike is seeing so many different types of pine trees and being able to differentiate them by the time you get to the top and eat some wild blueberries! The view down onto Champex is impressive as are the views back towards Verbier and the Pierre Avoir, including the Combins & Vélan. The hike down gets a bit steep and slippery on the pine needles, but it ends just when it should, as it is tiring to think for every step! Apart from a squirel we didn't see any wildlife. Just a gorgeous day to be out!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Champex Lac Belvedere
Fall is just sooooo beautiful! We hiked up in the forest poking what in French are called 'pet de loup' mushrooms to watch the spores float in the sun. The fun part of this hike is seeing so many different types of pine trees and being able to differentiate them by the time you get to the top and eat some wild blueberries! The view down onto Champex is impressive as are the views back towards Verbier and the Pierre Avoir, including the Combins & Vélan. The hike down gets a bit steep and slippery on the pine needles, but it ends just when it should, as it is tiring to think for every step! Apart from a squirel we didn't see any wildlife. Just a gorgeous day to be out!