Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wild cooking!

Spring is here and with it all sorts of goodies are popping out of the ground to eat!
It just takes a little time to learn which plants are the right ones to eat and how to eat them, as well as which part to eat! All this is very important as you can make some pretty fatal mistakes...
So it is best you learn what is the right plant to start off with. I suggest taking it one plant at a time. After one day of picking and preparing one variety you will probably never forget its characteristics and make a mistake. But PLEASE, be very careful with this. Certainly if you are with pregnant women or children. Mistakes can be fatal.
I had to go to the flat lands to pick some wild bear garlic (ail des ours), I used it fresh to make some amazing pesto & put some in a bottle with apple cider vinegar (bio) and wow! Talk about having a 'zing' to it - without adding any garlic!
As I said above be sure you know what you are picking! This plant can be confused with muget - which is toxic!
If you ever have any questions about what plant you are picking you can ask me.